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Stakeholder Impala
Procurement Transaction Type RFQ
Description Good Day You are invited to participate in the following Request for Information process – Automotive Spares RFI Reference No.: RFCA3872/ Automotive Spares Description of RFI: Automotive Spares (Supply & Delivery) at Impala Platinum Rustenburg Operations Email address: and Closing date: 05 January 2024 (13h00 or 1pm) Please note the following: • This RFI is directed to and for Impala Mining Communities and is seeking a response from the communities emanating from the 29 Bafokeng Villages and Seraleng, Meriting and Freedom Park. • Companies that wish to participate should complete the RFI (Request for Information), submit relevant documentation and complete the NDA . • Omissions or late delivery of the above required compulsory documentation will lead to disqualification of your submission from the process. • The completed RFI, required documents as per the RFI requirements and signed “Non-Disclosure Agreement” must be submitted electronically to and by no later than 13h00 or 1pm on 05th January 2024. IMPORTANT NOTES – Please ensure that valid documentation is submitted for the purpose of the RFI, which includes but are not limited to the following: 1. Complete Annexure B & Compulsory Required Documents : Supplier Details 2. Completed Annexure C & Compulsory Required Documents: Technical Information 3. Completed Annexure D: Business Operations 4. Completed Annexure E: Business Growth 5. Completed Annexure F: List of Automotive Spares 6. Completed Annexure G: Signed and completed NDA To qualify for the next phase of the process, Impala will take the following into consideration: • Minimum technical requirements, business operations and business growth responses; and • Legal compliance of the supplier. Please ensure you submit required RFI Documentation by the 05th January 2024 to and
Closing date 2024-12-05 00:00:00
Industry Mining Services
Stakeholder Liason
Attached Files: *Disclaimer: The information provided may not contain the full details. Please download and review the stakeholders attached document\s for accuracy.
RFCA3872 - Automotive Spares.pdf
RFCA3872 - List of Automotive Spares.pdf
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